Accounting Software Integration

Accounting Software Integration

Accounting Software Integration 

With Thread, you can easily integrate accounting software such as QuickBooks, Klyant, Quill, or Xero. Thread syncs data with your accounting software such as matter details, contact details and bills (see more details below depending on accounting software used) so that they are in line with matter information you have on Thread.  
Before generating any billable items, or working on bills in Thread, ensure that you are signed into the Accounting Software application first.
Please note that Tax/VAT amounts generated in Thread are not transferred to Accounting Software applications, Tax/VAT amounts are handled separately by these applications. Please see the relevant Accounting Software documentation for more information.  

Integrating With Accounts 

To integrate with accounts, your accounting application must be toggled on in the Integrations tab of Thread.  
For Quill, Quickbooks, and Xero, you will also need to connect with the account in Personal Settings. Continue to Working With Integrated Accounts Daily to read more. 

For Klyant Accounts you need to contact Klyant directly to turn on integration on their side.  
On the left pane of Thread, click the Settings icon at the bottom. 
Select the Integrations tab and then Commons tab. 
3. Toggle
On for the account(s) you want to integrate with Thread.  

Working with Integrated Accounts Daily 

Quill Accounts, Quickbooks, and Xero need to be connected to in Personal Settings after integration. Once you have toggled integration ON in Admin Settings, you can configure to turn on these accounts and log in to sync your account.  
Once integrated, click your avatar in the left corner of Thread and choose  
Personal Settings. 
A screenshot of a computer

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In the Account Integration tab, click the integration you’d like to log in to, then Sign in…  
 For Klyant accounts you do not need to connect to the account in Personal Settings. Just ensure you sign in regularly to your account in Klyant. 

On the integrated app page, log in using your login details.  
The account will integrate with Thread. You can view the account details and information on the Thread application.  

NotesIt is important to complete the steps above daily, each morning please ensure that you are connected to your integrated accounts (you should see your integrated apps’ icon when you click your profile avatar) 

Data Sync 

  1. Matters and contacts data is synced. 
  2. Bills issued need to be manually uploaded to Klyant. 

  1. Matter code is syncing from Quill to Thread (if you wish to use Thread Matter code instead untick the Overwrite Matter Code box in Admin settings -> Integrations). 
  2. Matter data is automatically synced if a matter has a main client assigned. 
  3. If there is no main client on a matter you need to add a main client and then click on Sync to Quill in the matter to trigger the sync. 
  4. Once Bill is issued in Thread you can no longer change the main client or unissue bill. 

  1. Syncs contacts and bills. 
  2. Bill in Quickbooks will show all line items as in Thread. 
  3. Once Bill is issued in Thread you can no longer unissue bill. 
  1. Syncs contacts and bills. 
  2. Bill in Xero will show all line items as in Thread. 
  3. Once Bill is issued in Thread you can no longer unissue bill. 
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