Managing Activity Groups in eXpd8

Managing Activity Groups in eXpd8

Located at the bottom of the Brief page, this section allows the user to create any number of topics/groups that can be used to group the activities included in the Document Merge and also to be used as divider pages.

Creating Topics/Groups within the Document Merge screen of a Litigation file, will result in those Topics/Groups being available for use in any/all files within that Category.

Topics/Groups must first be created in the Document Merge screen to be available to use within the Activity screen of the same file.

Although Document Merges being created are only associated with one file, the topics created within the Topics/Groups section are associated with the actual Category of that file and will be available for future use on any file within that category. 

To Add a Topic/Group

1. Click the Add button on the side Tool bar of the Topics/Groups Section.

2. A Blue Box will the display in the section with the mouse cursor flashing in the text field, this allows you to enter in the name of the Topic/Group.

3. Enter text into the field

4. This Topic/Group is now available to add to any Document Merge created in this Category of Case.

To Delete a Topic

1. Select the Topic you wish to Delete.

2. Click the Remove button on the side Tool bar of the Topics/Groups Section.

3. Click the Yes option to remove and the No option to cancel.

4. The Topic is removed from the Topics/Groups section.

Note: When you delete a Topic you are deleting it from the Category and therefore remove the capability for other files/or previously saved Document merges from using that topic.

To Rename a Topic

1, Select the Topic you wish to Rename.

2. Click into the text box of the Field and the box becomes active.

3. Over type the name displayed. When you have completed the update, just click away from the active box.

4. The Topic is renamed in the Topics/Groups section.

Note:  When you rename a Topic you are changing it from the case and therefore changing the display for other Document merges using that topic.

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