You can change the status of Matters on Thread from open to pending close, closed or archived, allowing you to keep track of what Matters you are currently working on and what cases have been dealt with.
1. Click Matters in the left pane of Thread.
2. Search for the Matter you want to change status for.
3. Click the ellipsis on the right and then Change Matter status in the options.
4. To close a Matter, click Closed. A pop-up window will appear for you to enter a date. Enter the closed date and click OK.
5. To archive a Matter, click Archived. A pop-up window will appear for you to enter a date. Enter the archived date and click OK.
Choosing a Pending Close status will keep the Matter open but not being actively worked on. This allows you to still keep adding documents and emails to a Matter, but not show it in the Open Matters list.
Closing and Archiving from within a Matter
When inside any Matter you wish to close or archive, go to the Matter Details - Summary page.
From the status dropdown, choose Closed or Archived.
When you select Closed status, the date will automatically populate with current date showing as Date Closed.
When you select Archived status, you can choose the Date Archived from the calendar.
Viewing Closed and Archived Matters
Once you have changed the Matter status to pending close, or you have closed or archived a Matter, it will no longer automatically appear on the Matters page. To view those Matters:
Click Matters in the left pane of Thread.
In the Filter drop-down box, select the relevant status of Matters you wish to see.
3. You will now see all matters currently with the selected status.
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