Closing and Archiving Files

Closing and Archiving Files

You can change the status of files on Thread from open to closed or archived, allowing you to keep track of what files you are currently working on and what cases have been dealt with. 

  1. 1. Click Files in the left pane of Thread. 

  1. 2. Search for the file you want to close or archive. 

  1. 3. Select the file and click Change file status in the top grey pane. 


  1. 4. To close a file, click Closed. A pop-up window will appear for you to enter a date. Enter the closed date and click OK. 


  1. 5. To archive a file, click Archived. A pop-up window will appear for you to enter a date. Enter the archived date and click OK. 


Closing and Archiving from within a File

When inside any file you wish to close or archive, go to the File Details - Summary page.

From the status dropdown, choose Closed or Archived.

When you select Closed status, the date will automatically populate with current date showing as Date Closed.

When you select Archived status, you can choose the Date Archived from the calendar.

Viewing Closed and Archived Files 

Once you have closed or archived a file, it will no longer automatically appear on the File Management page. To view closed and archived files: 

  1. 1. Click Files in the left pane of Thread. 

  1. 2. In the Status drop-down box, select Closed to view closed files, and Archived to view archived files. 


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