Company Migration - converting existing companies to new module

Company Migration - converting existing companies to new module

Company Migration Wizard

At the top right corner of your companies page in Thread, you will see a button called Company Migration. This will open the Company Migration Wizard where you will see the instructions, and you can start migrating your current companies to the new version 2 of companies in Thread.

You can view the list of all current V1 companies by selecting Version: 1.0 on the top right corner of your Companies page.

Why do I need this tool?

All existing companies from previous version of Thread are currently a V1 company as they had very little information on them, and they could not be used to create matters for. Those V1 companies can no longer be edited, but can be converted to V2 companies where you will be able to use them for matters as well.

As the new company module is much more feature rich it is necessary to convert companies to the new module. When converting to V2 companies, you will be required to enter the company address, main contact etc. Each V1 company can be individually migrated to V2 company to enter those details, or you can auto-migrate just selecting the main contact pulling their address as the company address. This migration wizard is used to help you convert those existing companies to new version 2 companies.

In this tool you will also have the option to merge companies with similar names or branches, multiple office locations etc. to one company and set the others as company locations, and all contacts will be added as company employees.

Any new company added to Thread from now on will be a V2 company.

Why would you use this feature?

  1. If you have contacts that you have linked to companies previously, who have matters against them
  2. If you have added companies to Thread previously and want to be able to see the matters specifically for those companies going forward.
  3. If you added multiple locations for a company to Thread previously and now need to consolidate them.
  1. E.g. You have added a company called "Pepsi"
  2. For one contact you have added the company Pepsi to this contact
  3. For another contact you have added the company Pepsi Dublin to this contact
  4. For another contact you have added the company Pepsi London to this contact.
From the example above these are all the same company but have three different locations. 
Using this migration tool you would select all three on the left panel of the tool and then you would allocate them to the correct locations (so which is the main company location / which are the sub locations). 
The migration tool will then create a single company with multiple locations - but it will also merge the contacts as employees and link them to the locations.
Exception: matters that have already been billed will not convert to company matters.

Note: When migrating companies to a V2 company, all files where the company employees are primary clients will convert to company matters (except matters that were already billed).

How to use the migration wizard?

On the companies main page click the button on the top right hand corner 

You will then be presented with the Company Migration Wizard. 

When you click on Start, you will see a list of current V1 companies on the left, and you can use the search bar to find a specific one.

To expand the list of companies, use the middle bar.

If there are multiple pages on the list of your companies, use the bottom page numbers or arrows to scroll to the next page.

If you need to go back to the start page for information on the tool, just click 'I need help' button.

Once you selected a company, on the right side of the tool you can select an existing address (2) for the company if applicable or type in the address to search Google maps directory.
Choose the primary contact (3) for the company from the list of contacts associated with this company.
Under Locations (4), you can use the + icon to add other company locations.

When adding other company locations, after clicking on + icon, type in the location name e.g. Main office.

Start typing the company location address to find it in Google maps, and select it.

Choose the main contact for this location from the list of company contacts.

Click Migrate when finished, to convert this company to a V2 company.

Your company will now be created as a V2 company, and all matters where company contacts are a primary client will convert to a company matter.

Exception: matters that have already been billed will not merge to company matters.
Note: Once a matter has been converted as a company matter, it can no longer be changed to an individual file.

If you need to clear all and start over instead, click Reset.

Merge companies

If you want to merge multiple V1 companies to one V2 company (such as Pepsi Dublin, Pepsi London - to just be Pepsi with 2 locations) - select all relevant companies on the list to start adding the details for the new V2 company.

Under the General Info, select or type the name of the new V2 company.

If some of the selected current companies had an address, you can select which address should be applied as the main Company Address, or just search for the address from Google maps directory.

On the Company Contact dropdown, you can select any of the existing contacts from the selected companies as the primary contact for the new company.

Under Locations, choose the other locations you want to add to the company, or type the new name of the location. Under 'Link To' choose which current company contacts and files do you want to link to this location (e.g. select Pepsi Dublin to link all contacts and their files under current Pepsi Dublin to this company location).

Click Migrate when finished, to convert these companies to one V2 company.

Your companies will now be created as one V2 company, and all matters where company contacts are a primary client will convert to a company matter.

Exception: matters that have already been billed will not merge to company matters.
Note: Once a matter has been converted as a company matter, it can no longer be changed to an individual file.

Auto-migrate multiple companies

If you want to quickly convert your companies to the new module, you can now do this with Auto Migrate option which can be found on the top right corner inside the Company Migration wizard.

Tick the boxes of companies you wish to convert at once. In the dropdown under Main Contact select which of the contacts currently associated with this company you wish to be the main contact for the company. Address of that contact selected as main contact will become the company address.

Click 'Migrate Selected' to convert the selected companies to new module, or if you want to convert all companies in the list, leave all unselected and click 'Migrate All'.

A notification will show saying those companies were migrated successfully.

All migrated companies will now show as V2 in your companies list, and you can start adding contacts to them and linking to files.

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