Contact Details

Contact Details

Once you have added a contact to Thread, you can update their details, add documents, link them to files, add contact relationships, answer contact questions, and more. 

Updating Contact Details 

You can update contact details at any stage after creation. You can add a company, attach important documentation, update their personal details, and much more. 

  1. 1. Click Contacts, located in the left pane of your Thread page. 

  1. 2. Select the contact you want to edit and click Edit in the top grey pane, or double click on the contact 

You can search for contacts in the search bar, and you can narrow your search by using the drop-down boxes.  


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear for you to update your contacts details. 

  1. 4. When finished, click Save. 

Answering Contact Questions 

Answering questions about your contacts enables you to better manage your file and contact information. You can add custom questions in the Admin Settings tab such as ‘Do we have medical records?’, which you can then answer for specific contacts on Thread.  

  1. 1. Click Contacts, located in the left pane of your Thread page. 

  1. 2. Search for the contact you wish to answer questions for and double click their username. 

  1. 3. The Edit Contact window will pop up. Go to the Questions tab and answer the questions provided. 


  1. 4. Once finished, click Save. 

Adding Contact Relationships 

With Thread, you can link contacts together based on their relationship to each other. For example, if you have the contact details of an employee and a manager, or if a client came to you through the referral of another contact, you could add these relationships in contact details. 

  1. 1. Click Contacts, located in the left pane of your Thread page. 

  1. 2. Search for the contact you want to add a relationship to by using the search bar or the drop-down boxes and double-click their name. 

  1. 3. The Edit Contact window will pop up. Click the Relationships tab. 


  1. 4. Click Add in the grey panel. 

  1. 5. Another window will appear for you to search for the contact you wish to add a relationship with. Select the contact and click Next. 


  1. 6. Choose the relationship you wish to create using the options provided. Click OK to save.  


Note: You can create new relationship types in the Admin Settings section of Thread. 

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