Creating Word Documents

Creating Word Documents

You can quickly create a document in a matter on the matter Documents page. This can be edited later to include more details if necessary.  

1. Click on Matters in the left pane of Thread and go to the desired matter.  

2. In the Documents tab, click + Document at the top right.  

3. A pop-up window will appear to add a new document. Fill in all relevant details.  

You can choose the type of document you want to create in this tab, give it a status, include a rate, and more. 

  1. 1. Create a document name. 

  1. 2. Add a document status. 

  2. 3. Assign a bundle section for the document. 

  1. 4. Choose the document type. 

  1. 5. Move the document to a folder. (Root folder is the default when no other folder is selected) 

4. Click Create when and you will be redirected to Microsoft Word where you can edit the document.  

5. The document will automatically be saved to the matter. You can view it at any time in the matterDocuments page. 

IdeaLearn more about everything you can do with matter documents in Thread. 
InfoYou canconvert any Word document to a PDF within the matter. 

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