Daily time sheet

Daily time sheet

Keep track of all your time throughout the day in your daily time sheet. Whether you recorded your time automatically or manually, all your time records for the day will be visible in your daily time sheet where you can edit them as needed. 

Click on the clock icon in the bottom left corner of Thread, within your navigation menu. 


Daily time sheet window will open on the right side of the page where you can see any currently active timers (running or paused), and all time records you had during the day. 


1 – Total time logged today 

2 – Click +Time to add a new time record 

3 – Resume or pause active timers 

4 – Edit existing time records 

5 - Click on any matter name to open the matter. 


Clicking on any column allows you to sort by the values in that column ascending or descending. For example, you can view the longest time record you had today at the top. 



1 – Click on refresh icon to see the latest changes if you had recorded time in another window in the meantime. 

2 – Open the daily time sheet as a full page. 


This will make it easier for you to view and edit all your time records for the day, and you can also view all time sheets from previous days. 


When editing time records, you can change any of the fields as needed, with the exception of Record type field, which will only be editable if it was not automatically recorded. 


1 – Change the matter where this time should be logged.  

2 – Edit a description for what you spent time on. This will be visible in your bill if included. The description auto-populates with the item name if creating a new time record on a specific item like a document, email or call log.  

3 – You can change to another user if this should be a record of their time instead. 

4 – Date will auto-populate, but you can change if needed to show a previous day.  

5 – Edit the Record type as relevant. If you don’t see the option you need, please choose Misc.  

6 – Time type will show the default value as set in your firm time type settings. You can change to a different time type if needed, choosing from the available options of Billable and Non-billable time types. If the selected time type has default time values (e.g. 10 minutes), this will auto-populate the Billable time field where logged time is lower than default time value (10).  

7 – Hourly Rate will be auto-populated with the default rate as per your firm billing method settings, and you can change as needed.  

8 – Edit the Start and End time values as needed.  

9 – Edit the Total logged time that you spent working on this item.   

10 – This field will auto-populate with Total logged time value, but you can edit to show how much of that time needs to be Billable time. Only billable time value will be included in bills. 

11 – Save. 

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