Deleting Companies

Deleting Companies

AlertA company can only be deleted if the company has no matters related, or company contacts are not primary clients on any matters. 

1. To delete a company, click on the Companies page on the left menu. 

2. Search for the company you want to delete, select it and click Delete: 

3. You will get a pop-up asking to confirm you want to delete this company with all its' associated employees / details. Click Delete to proceed. 

A blue and white text

Description automatically generated

4. This company will now be deleted from Thread.

If the company has matters assigned for it, you will get this pop-up notifying you that it cannot be deleted.

Click Close to cancel the request. The company will not be deleted. 

If the company employees / contacts are linked as any other contact type on any matter, they will stay as a
contact in Thread but will be unlinked from this company. You will get the notification below in this scenario: 

Click Delete to remove this company.
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