Error in Brief ( Dec2022 windows update fix )

Error in Brief ( Dec2022 windows update fix )

Users are getting this error when generating briefs.

This was caused by the December 2022 windows update where this security update addresses a vulnerability where restricted mode is triggered for the parsing of XPS files, preventing gadget chains which could allow remote code execution on an affected system. See below link for more info.


Run CMD command as Administrator and enter the command below and hit enter.

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Windows Presentation Foundation\XPSAllowedTypes" /v "DisableDec2022Patch" /t REG_SZ /d "*" /reg:64

You might need to re-enter the command again if you get an unsuccessful result and once The operation is completed successfully,
Open Registry Editor to check that this has been applied following the file path below:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Windows Presentation Foundation\XPSAllowedTypes, a value name of DisableDec2022Patch, and a value of *

Have all the users close expd8 app then re-open it and should be able to generate briefs after. This might need to be done on every PC that has the same issue or error in Briefs.

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