eXpd8 Install for IT Providers

eXpd8 Install for IT Providers



These requirements must be completed pre installation


Once they are added the PC must “Always” be restarted to implement the changes to proceed or else it will install it under admin rather than the user needing to use it.

eXpd8 Install Guide

·       Navigate to the P:\PractPro\upgrade location on the PC

·       Select the file eXpd8FullSetup_4.exe to run and click next

·       If the information isn’t already there, enter the full database instance name and click next. 

·       Click next through the following windows until the install starts.

·       When the install is finished, uncheck the Run eXpd8 option and press finish.


·       Open eXpd8, select advance and open a file. Select the Brief tab to prompt the XPS installer.


·       Click yes on the next window.

·       If you get the following, click OK

·       If you get a warning about unsigned drivers, click OK.

·       If you get a warning about installing the driver, click Install


·       Navigate to the P:\PractPro\upgrade location on the PC

·       Select the Click Yes executable to run.

·       In the system tray right click the Click Yes Icon and click Start suspended to remove check mark.

·       Right click again and click start On logon.

·       Right click again and click Resume.

·       Open Word and go to file, options, trust centre and click on trust centre settings. Enable the following to options and click ok


·       Now open Adobe reader and go to Edit, Preferences and Enhanced security.

·       Remove the check mark from the Enable Protected Mode at Startup and click yes.

·       Remove the check mark from the Enable Enhanced Security and click OK.

·       Open eXpd8 and click Launch Scan Watcher.

·       Once opened click on File and Change User and select the logged in user from the list.

·       Click File Select Folder and browse to the users Scanned folder. If this does not exist, they may not use scan to folder. You can create a folder for the user in the eXpd8 Drive e.g. “P:\Scanned\John”, and then point Scan Watcher to that folder and have scan to folder set up on the scanner to point to that folder





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