File Summary Page

File Summary Page

Once you have created a file, you can edit it at any time. You can change the status, add documents, add custom fields, answer file questions, add contacts, include key dates, log time, and much more.  

  1. 1. Click Files in the left pane. 

  1. 2. Select the file you want to edit and click Edit in the top grey pane. 


  1. 3. You will be brought to the Summary page of File Details. From here, you can toggle between the different file tabs depending on what you would like to edit. 

   1. File Summary

   2. Add and edit Key Dates

   3. Update Custom Fields

   4. View and edit Contacts

   5. Note Undertakings

   6. Set permissions for other Thread Users

   7. Perform an Audit

   8. Amend File Name

   9. Change File Code

 10. Move file to a different Category

 11. Select file Rate

 12. Change file Status (open, closed, archived)

 13. Amend file Owner


  1. 1. File summary: View and edit basic information of the file including the Name, Code, Category, Rate, Stage, Status, Owner, Office Location, File Location, Date Opened, Date Closed, Date Archived, Description, and Fixed Fee.

  2. 2. Key dates: You can add and edit important dates to your file in this section. 

  3. 3. Custom fields: Add custom fields that are specific to the file. You can add and edit these fields in the Custom Fields tab. 

  4. 4. Contacts: Add and remove contacts to a file. 

  5. 5. Undertakings: Add and edit undertakings on a file.

  6. 6. Permission: Give file permissions to other Thread users to Create, Read, Update, Delete, View Documents, and Edit Documents. 

  7. 7. Audit: View audits conducted within a file. 


Note You can also add a Fixed Fee, Prompt to Save Time on file, Make a file a Favourite and Follow to Receive New Email Notifications:

  1. Toggling Yes on the Fixed Fee box allows you to issue a fixed fee bill without having to add individual items to a bill.

  2. Choose to receive notification about logging time whenever you leave the file by toggling Yes on the Prompt to save time section.

  3. Toggle Yes to add file to your Favourites

  4. Toggle Yes to receive email notifications when new tasks or emails have been added to the file

`4. Once you are finished editing a file, make sure to click Save.

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