Follow File to Receive New Email Notifications

Follow File to Receive New Email Notifications

Users automatically follow and receive notifications for new emails on a file when they create a file on Thread, are a file owner, or have sent an email from this file. You can choose to follow files that you have not created, and you can opt to unfollow a file if you no longer want to receive notifications. 
  1. 1. Click Files in the left pane. 

  1. 2. Search for the file you want to follow or unfollow using the search bar provided. 


  1. 3. Click the file name. 

  1. 4. Enter the File Details tab and click Summary. 


  1. 5. In the Follow to Receive New Email Notifications box, toggle Yes to follow a file, and toggle No to unfollow the file. 


  1. 6. Click Save. 

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