Hourly Rates - Admin

Hourly Rates - Admin

All users and files on Thread can be assigned an hourly rate. The hourly rate is applied to activities based on the time a user has spent working on a particular file.

Adding a New Hourly Rate and Value 

To add hourly rates to users, the rates must first be added in Admin Settings. 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings on the left pane. 

  1. 2. Click the General tab. 


  1. 3. In the left menu, click Hourly Rate. 


  1. 4. To add a new hourly rate, click Add in the top pane. 

  1. 5. A pop-up window will appear. Enter the name of the hourly rate and the value. 


  1. 6. Click Save. 

Adding Hourly Rates to Users 

Thread requires you to add an hourly rate to all new users when adding them to the application. However, if you want to change or add a new hourly rate to a user you can do this at any time. 

  1. 1. Click User Management in the left pane. 

  1. 2. Select a user and click Edit in the top grey pane. 


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear. In the Default Rate field, choose a rate from the drop-down menu. 


  1. 4. Click Save. 

Adding Hourly Rates to File Categories

You can choose a default hourly rate for a specific file category, which will be applied to all files created in that category.  

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings in the left pane. 

  1. 2. Go to Files and choose Category in the left menu. 

  1. 3. Select a file category you wish to add a default hourly rate to and click Edit, or click Add to create a new category.  

  1. 4. In the pop-up window, click the Default Rate field and choose a rate from the drop-down menu (the menu will show all hourly rates you currently have in Thread).

  2. 5. Click Save. 

Editing Hourly Rates and Values 

If you need to edit an hourly rate, including the name or the value, you can do this at any time. 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings on the left pane. 

  1. 2. Click the General tab. 


  1. 3. In the left menu, click Hourly Rate. 


  1. 4. Select a rate and click Edit in the top pane. 

  1. 5. The Edit Setting window will appear. You can edit the name of the hourly rate and the value. 


  1. 6. Click Save 

Deleting Hourly Rates 

If you need to remove an hourly rate from Thread you can do this easily. 

Note: Deleting an hourly rate permanently removes it from your Thread application. If you want to remove a rate from a particular user, go to User Management. 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings on the left pane. 

  1. 2. Click the General tab. 


  1. 3. In the left menu, click Hourly Rate. 


  1. 4. Select an hourly rate and click Delete in the top pane. 

  1. 5. A confirmation window will appear. Click OK. 

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