How to transcribe dictations with Microsoft Word?

How to transcribe dictations with Microsoft Word?

You can easily have your dictation audio files typed up in a Word document using Transcribe in Microsoft Word.
Note: Only one transcription can be added per document. If you would need multiple dictations within the same document, you can transcribe them in a new document and copy over the text to the document where you need it.
For more guidance on Transcription tool with Microsoft Word, please visit Transcribe your recordings - Microsoft Support

Upload and transcribe

1. When in a document, on the Home toolbar, click on down arrow next to Dictate and choose Transcribe.

Desktop Word

Word online    

2. On the side bar that will open, select the text language for your document, and click on Upload audio where you can select your dictation file to start the transcription

3. You will see a progress bar for your upload.

4. Once transcription is finished, you will see the text with speakers where you can review the text from the audio file. Click on pen icon for each section if you need to edit the text, or click + on the section to only add that section to the document.

5. If you want to add entire transcription to the document, click Add to document and choose if you want to add just the text, or with speakers and timestamps also.

6. Your dictation transcription will now show in the document where you can edit further as needed.

Record and transcribe

1. When in a document, on the Home toolbar, click on down arrow next to Dictate and choose Transcribe.

Desktop Word

Word online    

2. On the side bar that will open, select the text language for your document, and click on Start recording to record your audio that you will want transcribed.

3. You can record your audio, and once finished click 'Save and transcribe now' button.

4. Once transcription is finished, you will see the text with speakers where you can review the text from the audio file. Click on pen icon for each section if you need to edit the text, or click + on the section to only add that section to the document.

5. If you want to add entire transcription to the document, click Add to document and choose if you want to add just the text, or with speakers and timestamps also.

6. Your dictation transcription will now show in the document where you can edit further as needed.

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