If you have selected your matter to have a fixed fee in the Financial – Settings tab of a matter, you can issue a bill without adding time to a matter. You must add the Description for the fixed fee which will show as the item included on the bill (optional depending on your bill template; fixed fee description will show when using Time Record/Item/Description code).
1. Click Matters in the left pane.
2. Select the matter you want to create a fixed fee bill for.
3. Under the Financial tab, click Bill.
4. In the top pane, click Add.
5. A pop-up window will appear. Enter the name of the bill and click Save.
6. To issue the bill, select the bill and click Issue bill in the top grey pane.
7. A pop-up window will appear. Select the template you want to use for the bill. You can search for a template using the search bar provided.
8. Click Next.
The bill will generate and appear in the Documents tab of the matter.