Issuing Fixed Fee Bills

Issuing Fixed Fee Bills

If you have selected your matter to have a fixed fee in the Financial – Settings tab of a matter, you can issue a bill without adding time to a matter. You must add the Description for the fixed fee which will show as the item included on the bill (optional depending on your bill template; fixed fee description will show when using Time Record/Item/Description code). 



AlertYou must have linked a primary client to the matter to issue a bill.  

  1. 1. Click Matters in the left pane.  

  1. 2. Select the matter you want to create a fixed fee bill for.  

  1. 3. Under the Financial tab, click Bill.  


  1. 4. In the top pane, click Add.  

  1. 5. A pop-up window will appear. Enter the name of the bill and click Save.  


  1. 6. To issue the bill, select the bill and click Issue bill in the top grey pane.  


  1. 7. A pop-up window will appear. Select the template you want to use for the bill. You can search for a template using the search bar provided.  


  1. 8. Click Next.  


The bill will generate and appear in the Documents tab of the matter.     


IdeaIdeaTo find out more about billing with Thread, go to Billing - Overview.


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