Klyant Accounting Integration

Klyant Accounting Integration

You can integrate your Klyant account with Thread so that your files and clients data in Thread syncs with Klyant. Make sure to contact Klyant directly to turn the integration on with Thread. 

Once the integration is turned on, Thread will sync your file name and code with Klyant as soon as you have created a file and assigned it a main client. Main client details such as client name, email, phone numbers, and address will also sync with Klyant

Note: Thread does not sync any financial data such as bills issued, payments, cheque requisitions, or client accounts transactions from Thread to Klyant, or vice versa. 

In Thread, you will see a link to Klyant Ledger for that file under the Financial Details section. You then go directly into the ledger within Klyant to look at the financial information. You can also go to Klyant Statement of Account

You can issue bills in Thread by including activities in a bill, and then issuing a billUse any of your bill templates for creating a bill, which will then generate as a Word document on your file in Thread. You can send this bill document to your bookeeper or accountant to enter the information from the bill to an invoice in Klyant.

Note: Thread integration with Klyant is a one-way sync, any changes made in Klyant do not sync back to Thread.

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