Thread License Allocation

Thread License Allocation

As per the terms and conditions agreed when purchasing Thread user licences, all Thread users must have a Thread license. Thread will be enforcing this requirement in the coming months, and all users will need to ensure their individual users within the team have an allocated Thread license. 

Only the users with purchased licences would be able to log in to Thread, on one device at a time. Any user you need to have access to your company's Thread will need to have a paid license allocated to them.

What this means

If you have 10 users added to Thread, but are only subscribed to 8 Thread licenses, only 8 specific users will be able to access Thread. Each of those 8 specific users will need to have a license assigned to their email address within Thread, and any other user within your Thread that does not have a license assigned will not be able to log in to Thread.

E.g. the below users are both added to your Thread on the User management page: - is added as a user, and has a Thread license assigned - is able to access Thread - is added as a user, does not have a Thread license assigned - is not able to access Thread

Also, when Mary logs in to her work laptop, and she then tries to log in on her phone - a message will show advising her that she will be signed out of any other device where she is already logged in, to be able to continue with the log in on another device.

What you need to do

Once this is implemented, each organization will be required to allocate Thread licenses to individual users within their team. Administrators will have the responsibility of assigning and managing user-specific licenses directly through Thread User Management page.

If you need more users to access Thread than your current subscription plan, please contact our accounts team directly on to purchase additional licenses.

Detailed instructions will be provided on allocating licenses to users within your Thread via in-software pop-ups, and in this article. 

For any questions, or assistance please reach out to our dedicated support team.

How will this be implemented

All users will be notified via pop-up in Thread when the license allocation will be available within your Thread. You will be given a deadline by which you can allocate the licenses to respective users, after which they will automatically be assigned to users first by their role (any user with Thread Administrator role will be allocated a license) and further in alphabetical order.

You will be able to re-allocate the license to another user within your User management page, however there will be a limit of 1 change per 30 days per individual user (e.g. if you allocated a license to Mary today, you will not be able to de-allocate her license to another user within 30 days, unless deleting Mary as a user).
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