Relationships - Admin

Relationships - Admin

With Thread, you can link contacts based on their relationship to each other, for example, family members, colleagues, or referrals. To add relationships to contacts, the relationships must first be created in Admin Settings. Make sure to create relationship types, and then relationships within each type if needed, for example under Employment you can add Manager, Employee or HR.

Adding Relationships 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings in the left pane. 

  1. 2. In the Admin Centre, click the General tab. 


  1. 3. Click Contact Relationship on the left side menu. 

      4. In the top grey pane, click Add to add a new contact relationship type.

      5. Then click Relationships on the left side menu. 


  1. 6. In the top grey pane, click Add. 

  1. 5. A pop-up window will appear. Select the type of relationship and enter the relationship name. If you want to set this as the default relationship for that relationship type, toggle the Default button to Yes. 


  1. 6. Click Save. 

Renaming Relationships 

You can rename relationships once they have been created. 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings in the left pane. 

  1. 2. In the Admin Centre, click the General tab. 


  1. 3. Click Relationships on the left side menu. 


  1. 4. Select the relationship you want to rename and click Edit in the top grey pane. 

  1. 5. In the pop-up window that appears, enter the new relationship name in the Relationship Name field. 


  1. 6. Click Save. 

Deleting Relationships 

If you no longer want a contact relationship to appear on Thread, you can delete it at any time.  

Note: Contacts that have been linked with this relationship type will no longer be linked. 

  1. 1.Click Admin Settings in the left pane. 

  1. 2. In the Admin Centre, click the General tab. 


  1. 3. Click Relationships on the left side menu. 


  1. 4. Select the relationship you want to delete and click Delete in the top grey pane. 

  1. 5. A confirmation window will appear. Click OK. 

Adding a Relationship to a Contact

If you want to link a contact to another contact based on their relationship, go to Contacts page on Thread.

Double click on a contact you wish to link to another contact.

Go to Relationships tab, and click on Add.

Select the contact you wish to link and click Next at the bottom.


Choose what is the relationship type and then the relationship of this contact to the contact you are linking it.

Click OK, and save the changes you made to this contact.

Your contacts are now successfully linked and you can see what is their relationship.
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