Searching for files & exporting file list

Searching for files & exporting file list

Users can search files and export a list of all files whether open, closed or archived or a particular category of files and even file created within a certain timeframe.
      1.       Click Files in the left pane. 
      All open files will show by default

      2.       Set your preferred search criteria, e.g. particular category, file stages, file owner, status, office location
      3.       To search a particular date range, select Advanced Search and a pop up window will appear where you can set your preferred date range
      4.       Click on Apply to set your chosen selection
      5.       If you wish to export your selection, click on Export

      6.     A pop up window will appear
      7.     Select Export to Excel or Export to PDF as preferred

Filtering Files by Custom fields

1.Click Files in the left pane. 
      All open files will show by default

      2.       Set your preferred search criteria, e.g. particular category, file stages, file owner, status, office location

      3.       Select Advanced Search and a pop up window will appear where you can select a custom field by which you wish to filter files. Select the value that is populated in that custom field on files to view all files that have this value entered.

      4.       Click on Apply to view your chosen selection of files.

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