Removing Contacts (Employees) from Companies
You can remove contacts as employees from a company that are no longer needed to be associated with that company, if: the employee you wish to remove from a company is NOT a primary contact on any of the company matters - see below if it is the ...
Adding Contacts (Employees) to Companies
If you have a company created that currently doesn't have an existing contact, or you wish to add more contacts to any company, you can add a company employee when on the company General page. 1. Go to Employees tab. 2. Click +Add to select the ...
Companies without a Contact
When creating a company for which you don't have any individual contact you are communicating with, you can create a company without any contact/employee. This guide only applies to new companies created without a contact. All steps below do not ...
Changing a Company Client on the File
If you need to change the company that you entered on the file to a different one, you can follow the steps below, as long as the file has not been billed yet. If the file has already been billed, you would need to first unissue the bill, where ...
Company Files - Templates and Billing
Some file functionality will work differently when the file is assigned to a company rather than individual. You will see a different icon at the top of the file (left of the file code and name) depending on whether it is an individual file or a ...
Converting individual files to company files
With the new company module, you can now convert any individual file to show as a company file if it has not been billed yet. Note: You will only be able to select the company that is associated with your primary client. Make sure you have the ...
Deleting companies
A company can only be deleted if the company has no matters related, or company contacts are not primary client on any files. 1. To delete a company, click on the Companies page on the left menu: 2. Search for the company you want to delete, select ...
Company Migration - converting existing companies to new module
Company Migration Wizard At the top right corner of your companies page in Thread, you will see a button called Company Migration. This will open the Company Migration Wizard where you will see the instructions, and you can start migrating your ...
Editing Company Details
Once you have created a company in Thread, you can view and update its' details, add locations, employees, documents, and more. Note: The following steps apply only to V2 companies (created in the new module, or converted from the previous version ...
Creating Files for Companies
If you are handling a matter for a company rather than an individual, you can create a file with that company as your client. 1. Click on the quick create button in the bottom right corner. 2. Select File. 3. A pop-up window will appear where you can ...
Creating Companies
To add a new company to Thread, go to the Companies page on the left menu under File Management. From the top grey pane, click on +Add. A pop-up will open where you can start entering the company details. On the General tab, use the search bar to ...
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Client Connect - Overview
Client Connect allows your clients and partners to stay informed and exchange documents on your matters from anywhere, at any time. Once you provide portal access to an external contact, they will receive an email inviting them to access the ...
Thread V3 Release Notes 24th February 2025
Release Highlights New User Interface Streamlined interface for ease of use, with fewer clicks. New ‘To Do’ section, combining outstanding tasks, phone calls and documents for review. One easy place to plan and complete your workload. More focused ...
Add ins "Missing" on Outlook
Check the version of Outlook if on 32 bit. From Outlook click File Select Office Account then click About Outlook. The version will then be shown as highlighted below. If it is on 32 bit, Go to this file path C:\ Program Files (x86) \ eXpd8\ ...
File Emails - Overview
There are many benefits to working with file emails in Thread. You can send emails directly from a file, attaching file documents, using an email template to quickly compile an email pulling the details from the file. You might also want to schedule ...
How do I Share my Calendar on Thread?
1. Click your username in the top right corner. 2. Click Personal Settings. 3. Scroll down to Shared Calendar URL. 4. Hover your cursor over Shared Calendar URL. A tooltip with a link will appear. Click on the link. Calendar - Outlook ( 5. ...