Matter Details
Changing matter status
You can change the status of Matters on Thread from open to pending close, closed or archived, allowing you to keep track of what Matters you are currently working on and what cases have been dealt with. 1. Click Matters in the left pane of Thread. ...
Creating Matters
The easiest way to create a new matter on Thread is by using the quick create button in the bottom left corner. 1. Click on the quick create button in the bottom left corner. 2. Select Matter. 3. A pop-up window will appear where you can fill out ...
Editing Matter Details
1. Click Matters in the left pane. 2. Select the Matter you want to edit and click the … and then Edit in the top right corner of the matter. Or simply click on the matter name to open it. 3. You will be brought to the Overview page of the matter. ...
Adding Undertakings With Thread, you can add ‘given’ and ‘received’ undertakings and link them to matters. 1. Click Vault in the left pane of Thread and then into Undertakings. 2. In the top right pane, click +Undertaking. 3. A pop-up window will ...
Manage Matter Contacts
Linking Contacts to Matters Linking contacts to your matters allows you to see which contacts are working on a case with you and who your primary client is. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Matters. 2. In the search bar provided, search ...
Viewing Matter Audit Logs
Audit logs within a matter allow you to keep track of changes made on the matter, so you can clearly see who and when added documents, linked contacts or made changes to matter details. Audit logs were first released in March 2024 with additional ...
Editing Custom Field Details on Matters
You can add custom fields to matters, that are specific to a matter category. For example, in a family law case, you can include custom fields such as Date of Marriage, Date of Separation, and Number of Children. Custom fields must be created ...
Pinned Matters
Pinning a matter allows you to pin it to your homepage dashboard and the global search window, where you can access it quickly and easily. Pin a Matter from the Matters list 1. Click Matters on the left pane. 2. Search for the matter you want to ...
Matter Permissions
The Permissions section within a matter allows you to control which users in your organization can create, view, edit, and delete documents in a specific matter. Removing all permissions for a user within a matter will remove their access to that ...
Matter Settings
Each matter has a Settings tab where you can manage the matter's Email notifications, Permissions and view Audit logs. Email Notifications When you receive a reply to an email you sent from a matter, this email will come directly to the matter inbox, ...
Mark a Contact as 'Primary Client' on a Matter
You may want to make a contact, or company (if that company has no contacts) the primary client of a matter. When generating bills, the bill will automatically be assigned to the primary client of a matter. You will also be able to pull reports for ...
Matter Overview Page
Once you have created a matter, you can edit it at any time. You can change the status, add documents, add custom fields, answer matter questions, add contacts, include key dates, log time, and much more. 1. Click Matters in the left pane. 2. Search ...
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Adding hourly rates
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