Mark a contact as 'Primary Client' on a File

Mark a contact as 'Primary Client' on a File

You may want to make a contact the primary client of a file. When generating bills, the bill will automatically be assigned to the primary client of a file. You will also be able to pull reports for your client. 
  1. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Files. 

  1. 2. In the search bar provided, search for the file in which you wish to mark a contact as the primary client. 

  1. 3. Click on the file name to open it. 

  1. 4. Under the File Details tab, click Contacts. 



  1. 5. Select the contact you wish to make as the primary client and click Primary Client (this button might show under the ellipsis depending on your screen resolution). 

    6. The contact will now be registered as the primary client of your file. 

*If you don't have the contact linked yet to your file, choose Link Contact to add it to the file and then make as Primary Client.

Changing Primary Client on Files 

If the primary client of your file has changed and you need to mark someone else as the primary client, follow the steps below. 

  1. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Files. 

  1. 2. In the search bar provided, search for the file you wish to change the primary client. 

  1. 3. Click on the file name to open it. 

  1. 4. Under the File Details tab, click Contacts. 



  1. 5. Click Link Contact and search for the contact you now wish to add to the file as your primary client

  2. 6. Once the contact has been added to the file, select the contact and click Primary Client in the top toolbar

  3. This contact will now become the new primary client and the original contact will no longer be the primary client on this file

  4. 7. Select the original contact and click Unlink in the top toolbar

  5. The original primary client will now be removed from this file.

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