Client Connect - Internal Notifications

Client Connect - Internal Notifications

You can choose which Thread users should be notified when new activity has occurred in Client Connect. The Matter Owner will be notified by default; however, you can change this using the steps below.  

Notifications will be received when an external contact uploads a document to the matter. 

1. In the Client Connect section, click on Notifications tab.  
2. From the list of users, select a Thread user or users you wish to be notified, then click Add

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Added users will show on the list, and you can select one or multiple, then tick the boxes of both or either of the two notification options you would like to apply for the selected user/s:  

Thread Notification - only shows notification within Thread.  

EmailNotification - Thread user will receive an email notification with a link to the matter.  

3. Click Save to apply the changes. 

To remove a user from the list, click on the delete icon

NotesBy default, the Matter Owner will be notified within Thread and by email. You can change the option setting as per this guide. If you don’t want the Matter Owner to be notified at all, please add another user who you would like to receive notifications and choose the type of notification for them. You will then be able to turn off notifications for the Matter Owner.

IdeaTo learn more about Client Connect features, go to Client Connect - Overview. 

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