Companies without a Contact

Companies without a Contact

When creating a company for which you don't have any individual contact you are communicating with, you can create a company without any contact/employee.  

InfoThis guide only applies to new companies created without a contact. All steps below do not apply to any existing companies that already have a contact. 

It is not possible to remove a company's main contact once it has already been added. 

To create a company without a company contact, please follow the steps to create a company, but leaving the 'Company Contact' field blank. 

When a company is created without a contact, you can link just the company to any matter. Please find more information onCreating matters for companies or Manage Matter Contacts.

All matters where this company is linked to will show on the Company Matters page, where you will be able to filter matters where the company is the client (Company's Matter), and those where it is only linked to a matter, but not a client (Linked to Matter).  


If you need to later add a contact/employee to a company that currently doesn't have an existing contact, you can follow the steps here to Add Contacts (Employees) to Companies.

If you added a contact to the company, the added contact will become the main company contact by default. If this contact is a primary client on any matter/s, a pop-up will show where you can select which of those matters you wish to convert to be this company's matter/s. You can select any matters as needed, or leave unselected to remain as individual matters for that contact.  


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