Manage Matter Contacts

Manage Matter Contacts

Linking Contacts to Matters 


Linking contacts to your matters allows you to see which contacts are working on a case with you and who your primary client is.   

  1. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Matters.  

  1. 2. In the search bar provided, search for the matter you wish to add a contact to.  

  1. 3. Click on the matter name.  

  1. 4. On the matter Overview tab, you will see Contacts on the right 

  1. 5. Click Manage.  


  1. 6. A pop-up will appear to show all contacts currently linked to the matter. The Primary Client will be easily identifiable here by the blue icon. 


  1. 7. Click Link Contact in the top grey pane.


8. Search for the contact you wish to link to the matter.


or add a new contact by clicking +Add


  1. 9. Add a Unique Ref (if applicable) and select the role of the contact for this matter.  



  1. 10. Click OK

  1. 11. The contact will now appear in Contacts on the matter Overview.  


IdeaPlease see Creating and Deleting Contacts for more information.

Linking Companies to Matters 

If you are working with a company that you don’t have any contacts associated with, you can link the company to the matter and send emails to or generate templates with that company’s information easily.  

  1. 1. When in the matter you wish to link a company to, on the matter Overview, you will see Contacts on the right. 

  1. 2. Click Manage.

  1. 3. A pop-up will appear to show all contacts linked to the matter. 


  1. 4. Click Link Contact in the top grey pane. 


  1. 5. A window will open on the right where you can choose Companies tab to search for the company you wish to link to the matter. 


InfoOnly companies without employees will be visible on the Companies tab. 

6. Add a Unique Ref (if applicable) and select the role the company will be fulfilling on the matter.  



  1. 7. Click OK

  1. 8. The company will now appear in Contacts on the matter Overview tab.  



The company name will show in the First Name column, as well as the Company column. 


AlertIf a company was linked to a matter while there was no contact (employee) associated with the company, and then a contact (employee) was later added to that company, any existing matters where the company was linked will remain linked only as a company. 
InfoIf you need to instead link a company with a contact to the matter, please follow the steps in Adding Contacts (Employees) to Companies then link that contact to the matter as outlined in Linking Contacts to Matters above. 

Idea Please see Creating Companies for more information. 

To unlink a contact that you no longer need as part of your matter.  

  1. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Matters.  

  1. 2. In the search bar provided, search for the matter you wish to unlink a contact from.  

  1. 3. Click on the matter name.  

  1. 4. On the matter Overview, you will see Contacts on the right 

  1. 5. Click Manage.  


  1. 6. A pop-up will appear to show all contacts linked to the matter.  


  1. 7. Select the contact you wish to unlink from the matter 

  1. 8. Click Unlink in the top grey pane 



  1. 9. Confirm OK that you wish to remove this contact from the matter. 



  1. 10. The contact will no longer appear in Contacts on the matter Overview.  




Should you need to unlink a company from a matter 

  1. 1. In the left pane of your Thread page, click Matters.  

  1. 2. In the search bar provided, search for the matter you wish to unlink a contact from.  

  1. 3. Click on the matter name.  

  1. 4. On the matter Overview, you will see Contacts on the right 

  1. 5. Click Manage

  1. 6. Select the company you wish to unlink from the matter 

  1. 7. Click Unlink Contact in the top grey pane 



  1. 8. Confirm OK that you wish to remove this company from the matter. 



  1. 9. The company will no longer appear in Contacts on the matter Overview.  


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