Creating Word Documents

Creating Word Documents

You can quickly create a document in a file on the file Activities page. This can be edited later to include more detail if necessary. 

  1. 1. Click on Files in the left pane of Thread. 

  1. 2. Search for your file in the search bar provided. 

  1. 3. Click on the file name. 

  1. 4. In the File Activities tab, click New in the top grey pane. 


  1. 5. A pop-up window will appear to add a new document. Fill in all relevant details. You can choose the type of document you want to create in this tab, edit a status, include a rate, and more. 


  1. 6. Click Go to Document when finished. You will be redirected to Microsoft Word where you can edit the document. 

  1. 7. The document will automatically be linked to the file. You can view it at any time in the file Activities page.

Learn more about everything you can do with file documents in Thread.

You can convert any Word document to a PDF within the file.

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