Power BI Reporting with Thread

Power BI Reporting with Thread

Connect your Thread data to Power BI for reporting. Follow the steps below to set up and build your reports, so you can manage them any time in your Power BI.

Create a Power BI Workspace

In your browser, go to app.powerbi.com and sign-in using the same Microsoft account as for Thread.
Go to Workspaces on the left menu and click Create a Workspace

Note: Power BI Pro licence required.

Save the ThreadConnector file to Desktop

Save the attached ThreadConnector.mez file to: This PC – Users – Your username – Documents – create folder Power BI Desktop – create folder Custom Connectors – save attached file here

Install Power BI Desktop app

In your browser, go to app.powerbi.com and sign-in using the same Microsoft account as for Thread.

Click on the download icon left of your initials in the top right corner and choose Download – Power BI Desktop

You might get a pop up asking to confirm to Open Microsoft Store.

Microsoft Store will open on your Desktop, click Get button under Power BI Desktop to start installation.


Install On-Premises Data Gateway 

In your browser, go to app.powerbi.com, click on Downloads icon and choose Data Gateway.

On the page that will open choose Download standard mode to start download.

Open the downloaded installer to start the installation.

Follow the prompts to complete installation.

Setting up Data Gateway

Once you have installed Data Gateway on your Desktop, search and open On-premises data gateway app.

Sign in using your Microsoft account.

When there is a message the Gateway was not found, click on Configure.

Choose Register a new gateway on this computer.

Type in the name and recovery key (choose your own recovery key and make sure to save it in a safe place).

Once configured, a message will show saying the gateway is online.

On the Connectors tab, choose the location where you saved your ThreadConnector and select it. You will see the Thread connector loaded after a few seconds:

You should now also see your gateway showing in Power BI online when going to Settings - Manage connections and gateways:

You can check the status by clicking the sync icon:

Adding Data Gateway to Connections

When on app.powerbi.com -> Settings -> Manage connections and gateways, click on Connections and choose +New to add this gateway.

Select your gateway from the dropdown menu, and give your new connection e a name. Select the ThreadConnector from Connection type menu, and choose the relevant report in API Endpoint.

If you are not seeing ThreadConnector on the list of Connection types, ensure the below are ticked in your gateway settings:

Once all mandatory fields are entered, click Create to add your new connection (you will need to first click on Edit credentials, and tick 'Skip test connection').

You will now see your new Connection in the list.

To manage users or change settings to this data source, click on ellipsis next to the name.

Build and Publish Reports

After you installed Power BI Desktop app, go to Start menu on your Desktop and open the app.

Choose Get data

OR if you get this screen first, choose New report, and then Get data from another source.

In the pop up that opens, search for Thread, select Thread Connector and click Connect.

In the API Endpoint dropdown select the Thread report you need and click OK:

In the next pop up choose Transform Data

In the Query editor that opens, click on expand columns icon, select all columns, untick the ‘Use original column name as prefix’, and click OK.

Click on Refresh Preview to sync data.

You will now see the synced data showing.

Click Close & Apply in top left corner of Query.

In the Power BI app, expand Data on the right side

Your Query will load

Once loaded, in the Data double-click on it to rename it

Expand the dropdown and select all fields you need for your report.

The report will show on the page where you can expand as needed.

Once ready, click Publish.

Save changes.

Choose Reports folder (create a new one if doesn't exist yet) in Power BI Desktop folder to save the report, rename it if needed and Save as .pbix file.

Click on Publish again, and choose your online workspace for publishing your report.

A pop up with progress will show.

Viewing your Published Report

To view your published report, in your browser where you are signed in to app.powerbi.com, click on Workspaces.

Choose the workspace you created.

This will open your reports showing when it was last refreshed. Click on your report to view it, or choose ellipsis (...) for more options.

Click here to learn more about using Power BI (Microsoft Learn for Power BI).

Setting up Data sources and Scheduling Refresh

Go to your Workspace and click on the semantic model.


In the top toolbar, open Refresh dropdown and select Schedule refresh

Under Gateway and cloud connections, choose Data sources you need to map the model to, and click Apply.

A message will show in the top right corner confirming updates:

Scroll down to Scheduled refresh to turn on a refresh schedule, choosing the frequency, time zone and time. Click Apply to update those changes (make sure your refresh time is scheduled for when your device is turned on).

Your report will now refresh/sync data at the intervals chosen.

Thread Connector

You can find the Thread connector file attached in the attachments below.
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