With Thread, you can easily upload, edit, and use your existing legal templates.
1. Click the Settings - cog icon (⚙) on the left side panel of your homepage.
2. Click on Create & Edit under Template Desk section.
3. Select the matter category you want to upload your templates to from the drop-down menu.
Category refers to the different areas of law of a legal office or user practices. A category must be set for all matters that are opened in Thread. For example: family law, conveyancing, immigration, marketing, etc. It is possible for you to create your own categories too, should you need to.
4. Browse for your templates or drag and drop them to the following section of the screen:
The size of your documents must be smaller than 300 MB and they must have one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .xlsx, .xls or .pdf
The template's name appears in the upload area.
5. Click Upload.
6. Confirm that you want to upload your template to the selected category by clicking OK.
After you have uploaded your Templates to Thread, you can populate them with custom and predefined fields by adding and using the Thread Template Designer add-in.