Including Matter Time in a Bill

Including Matter Time in a Bill

When you need to create a bill for a matter, you can easily include all billable time records to a bill within the matter Financial > Time tab.

Your total time values will show at the top.   


Time can be logged on Documents, Matter notes, Emails, Tasks, Call logs and Events.

Miscellaneous time can also be added directly to the matter on the Time tab by clicking +Time in the top right. 


You can add time records to an existing bill on Thread or you can create a new bill. 

AlertOnly Billable time can be included in a bill. 

Including time records in a bill: 

  1. 1. Click Matters in the left pane of your Thread page. 

  1. 2. Search for the matter you want to include time records for and click the matter name. 

  1. 3. Select the Financial tab in the top grey pane, then the Time tab on the left. 


Use Filters to view time by User, Record Type and whether billed or not. 



Edit any time record as needed by clicking the ellipsis to the right of the time record and selecting Edit



  1. 4. Select the time records you wish to include in the bill. 


If you want to include All time records, click the tick box column and all time records on the current page will be selected. 


  1. 5. Once you have selected the time records you wish to include, click on the Include in Bill icon at the bottom. 


If you select a time record that has already been included in a previous bill, the Include in Bill icon will be greyed out.  

It would be more efficient to filter by Is billed ‘No’, in advance, so that only time records that have not yet been billed will be showing. 


  1. 6. An Include in Bill pop up window will appear. 

  1. 7. Select the bill in which you want to include the time records in and click Save or click +Add if you want to add a new bill. 


If you are adding a new bill, enter the name of the bill and Save


When you are ready to issue the bill, see Issuing Bills for more information. 

For a wider view of your Time Records list, you can minimise the left navigation menu.


Once minimised, you can still navigate easily with the menu icons. 


You can mimimise further still, by minimising the Time menu. 


Once minimised, you can again navigate easily with the menu icons. 


IdeaFor more information related to time and billing, see Matter Time - Overview, Manual Time Records on a Matter, and Billing - Overview

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