Scanned Items

Scanned Items

Thread allows you to upload scanned items and assign them to files, users, and contacts within files. Scanned documents can be viewed in the Scanned Items tab of your Thread page.  

You can also have the scanned items sync automatically from your scanner by setting a sync via email or a sync with the OneDrive folder. Please consult these guides with your IT provider for further assistance.

Uploading Scanned Items to Thread 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane underneath the Reports section. 


  1. 2. Click the bar shown and add a file from your documents or drag and drop a scanned item to add it to Thread. 


Note: the document must be an image or in .pdf format and must be less than 2000 MB in size. 

  1. 3. Click Upload. The document will appear in the Scanned Items section as an Unassigned document. 

Assigning Scanned Items to Files 

Once you have uploaded a scanned document, you can assign it to any existing file on Thread. The document can then be viewed in the File Documents section of a file. 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane underneath the Reports section. 

  1. 2. Select the scanned item you want to assign to a file and click Assign to File in the top grey pane. 

    1. - You can search for scanned items by using the search bar provided, and you can narrow your search by toggling the dates in the From date and To date boxes. 

  • - If the file is already assigned to another Thread user, you can search for it by selecting their name in the User box. 


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear where you can search for the file you wish to assign the document to. Thread generates a list of suggested files for the scanned item based on the content of the document. Select the file and click Next. 


  1. 4. On clicking Next, a new pop-up window will appear for you to rename the file and add any relevant details. 



  1. 5. Click Save. 

  1. The scanned item will now appear under the File Activity section of your file, located under File Management 

Assigning Scanned Items to Users 

Scanned items can also be assigned to Thread users in your organisation. Once assigned, the document will appear in the Scanned Items element on the user’s dashboard. 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane underneath the Reports section. 

  1. 2. Select the scanned item you want to assign to a file and click Assign to User in the top grey pane. 


  • - You can search for scanned items by using the search bar provided, and you can narrow your search by toggling the dates in the From date and To date boxes. 

  • - If the file has already been assigned to another Thread user, you can search for it by selecting their name in the User box. 

  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear with a list of your organisation’s Thread users. Select the user you want to assign the document to and click Save. 


4. The scanned item will appear in Scanned Items on the users dashboard. 


Assigning Scanned Items to Contacts 

For some scanned items, you may just want to assign it to a particular contact within a file, for example a passport or medical records. In this case, the scanned item will appear in the Attachments section of a contact's details. 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane underneath the Reports section. 

  1. 2. Select the scanned item you want to assign to a file and click Assign to Contact in the top grey pane. 


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear. Search for the contact you want to assign the document to.

  2. 4. Select the contact and click OK. 

  1. 5. The scanned item will then appear in the Attachments section of the contact’s details. 


Renaming Scanned Items 

Upon uploading a scanned item to Thread, you may want to rename it so that it can be identified more easily. 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane underneath the Reports section. 

  1. 2. Select the scanned item you want to rename and click Rename in the top grey pane. 


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear where you can rename the file. Enter the new name and click Rename. 



Deleting Scanned Items 

If you have added the wrong document to Thread, or if you want to delete a scanned item for any reason, you can do this easily. 

  1. 1. Click on Scanned Items, located in the left pane. 

  1. 2. Select the scanned item you want to delete and click Delete in the top grey pane. 


  1. 3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your decision. 

  1. 4. Click Ok. The scanned item will delete from Thread. 

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