Setting up Email Preferences

Setting up Email Preferences

There are a number of settings you can do to adjust sending emails in Thread to your preferences. These can all be found by going to your initials in the top right corner of the screen and then Personal Settings.

Firstly, ensure you have your personal email signature set up.

If you need to send emails from your shared company email address (info@ or reception@), and this address was set up as your Thread dedicated email, toggle Yes to send emails from dedicated mailbox. 
(If you are unsure if this email address was set up as Thread dedicated mailbox, check with an admin user in your company or see here for more details)

To ensure all document attachments you send by email are converted to a PDF document by default, have this toggled on in your personal settings. 

Note: You will always be able to untick the convert option if needed on each attachment, and vice versa.

Choose your preferred default email subject option when sending emails from a file. This will auto-populate the email subject, however you can always manually edit the subject as needed.

Choose your preferred font when sending emails.

Choose how you want to display your sent email in a file (Activities page). 
To view the sent email, choose Eml file option (when an email is sent, you will have that email saved to the file activities page where you can preview it).
To view only the log of sending the email, but not the email itself, choose Activity log (when an email is sent, you will only see 'Email to client name: email subject' - this will not show the sent email)

You're all set to start emailing from Thread! Find more guidance on sending emails from a file here: File Emails
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