Templates/Precedents - Overview

Templates/Precedents - Overview

Templates are a key feature of Thread that you can set up to most effectively utilise the application. Templates are used for documents, bills, bundles, or emails, and can be created to be used across all categories on Thread.

Setting up templates means that you can instantly send letters to contacts, or create documents in files without having to input information, as Thread automatically does this for you by using file and contact information. 

Document Templates

With Thread, you can easily upload, edit, and use your existing legal templates. Follow the steps to upload templates to the Template Desk.

If you are starting a completely new document template, you can just create new Word document from the Template Desk within the file category you will need this document in.

After you have uploaded your Templates to Thread, you can populate them with custom and predefined fields by using the Thread Template Designer add-in 

Configure your templates to use your company header and footer by Uploading Template Headers and Footers.

You might have same or similar documents used across multiple file categories. You can save time coding templates by adding the template you already coded in one category to all other relevant file categories at the same time. Find out more on Adding Templates to multiple categories.

If you have a specific sequence for when your documents need to be issued, you can set up a templates workflow creating a task for the next template, making it easier to generate the following document on time. Templates can also automatically update your file stage when generated.

If you have frequently used documents such as ‘terms of service,’ blank forms, or ‘directions to our office’ which do not require any changes or file / contact specific information, you can add those to the General Documents page. Documents added there can easily be attached to an email on any file.

Custom Fields 

With Thread, you can create custom fields that can be added to a file or contact. Custom fields allow you to add more information to a file or contact specific to your needs.

File custom fields can be viewed in file summaries, and can be used when coding a template. 
Contact custom fields will be visible on the contact details, and can also be used when coding a template.

Custom fields must be added to a file category so you can view them on a file and in Template Designer when coding templates for that category. 

Email Templates

Simplify and speed up your email flow by setting up email templates on Thread. Just like documents created on Thread, email templates can be set up to pull in file and contact information when sending an email, saving you time and effort. Create email templates in the Template Desk by using the Thread Template Designer in Word.

Bill Templates

Create templates for issuing bills to ensure your bill document contains relevant information about your client and their file. Bill templates can include the name of all activities included in a bill, time logged, hourly rate and total cost, any expenses included etc. You can also have different template set up if your file is charged at a fixed fee to show only the fixed fee amount without any activities.

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