Quick Create Button

Quick Create Button

With the quick create button, users can perform many functions instantly from any page on Thread. This means that you never have to leave the page you are on to carry out a quick task, such as a phone message or a quick bill, allowing you to save time on Thread. 

Using the Quick Create Button 

You will find the quick create button located in the bottom right corner of any page on Thread. Clicking on it will open a list of actions that can be carried out directly from any page you are on. 

For each action, a pop-up window will appear for you to fill in any relevant information relating to the action. 


Creating Appointments 

You can create an appointment for you and your team members quickly using the quick create button. A pop-up window will appear where you can link the appointment to a file, set a date and time, include details, and invite your team members. 

      1.  Select Appointment. 

      2. A pop-up window will appear where you can fill in all relevant details. Mandatory fields are marked with *.  

     3. You can link the appointment to a specific file in Thread by typing the file name into the Link to File field. 

     4. Once finished, select Send to create the appointment. 

     5. Your appointment will now appear in the Outlook calendar of you and any invitees. 

Adding Phone Messages 

Phone messages can be easily added by using the quick create button, so you can add a phone message to a file and notify another Thread user without having to leave the page you are on. 

  1. 1. Select Phone Messages from the list.

  2. 2. A pop-up window will appear for you to fill out any relevant information (all mandatory fields are marked with *).  


  1. 3. You can select whether to send an email notifying a team member of the phone message by toggling yes or no under the Send Email section.  

The email will only be sent to the user in the Call For box. 


  1. 4. Click Save. 

Adding Expenses 

The expenses feature on Thread allows you to link an expense to a contact and a file, allowing you to keep track of payments that you and your clients have made. 

  1. 1. Select Expense. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear for you to fill in all relevant information. Mandatory fields are marked with *. 


  1. 3. Click Save to add a single expense or Save & Add More to continue adding expenses. 

  1. 4. If you have chosen for the bill to be ‘billable,’ another pop-up window will appear directing you to include the expense in a bill 

  1. i. To include the expense in an existing bill, select the bill and click Save 

  2. ii. To create a new bill, click Add in the top pane and create a new bill. You can then add the quick expense to your new bill. 


  1. 5. Click Save. 

Logging Time 

It is easy to log time for a case on Thread by using the quick create button. Here, you can choose what you are logging time for, the type of time (billable, unbillable, fixed rate, admin time etc.), and the rate. You can log time for yourself or for another team member. 

  1. 1. Click Time. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear where you can fill in the relevant information. Mandatory fields are marked with *. 


  1. 3. Once finished, click Save. 

  1. 4. You can view logged time by entering the File Documents tab within a file and clicking on Time. 


Creating Tasks 

Tasks created on Thread will automatically link to your Outlook account, sending you email reminders to ensure that you never miss a deadline.  

  1. 1. Select Tasks from the quick create list. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear for you to fill in necessary information.  

Here, you can include a task subject, priority level, due date and time, the status, notify other Thread users of the task, and link it to a specific file. Make sure to include a description of the task in the Details box. 



3. Once finished, click Create.  

Creating New Files 

The quick create button also allows you to easily create new files from any page on Thread. With files, you can add documents and contacts to the file, log time and expenses, send emails using file details, keep track of payments, and much more.  

  1. 1. Select File. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear where you can fill out all relevant details. 



  1. 3. Click Save. 

  1. 4. A new pop-up window will appear directing you to select a primary client for the file. 

  2. i. If the contact already exists on Thread, select their name, and click OK. 

  1. ii. If the contact does not exist on Thread, click Add in the top grey pane to add a new contact.  



  1. 5. A pop-up window will appear directing you to create a new contact. Fill in the details of your new contact. All mandatory fields are marked with *. 

  1. 6. Click Save. 

  1. 7. In the pop-up that appears, enter the contact unique reference number. 



  1. 8. Click Ok. 

  1. The new contact will be automatically added as the primary client of your new file. 


You can edit the details of your file and add new contacts at any time by accessing it through the File Management tab. 

Creating Contacts 

The quick create button allows you to quickly add new contacts to your Thread. Once you have created a new contact, you can link them to files and add any documentation relating to them and their case. 

  1. 1. Select Contact. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear for you to fill in your new contact's information. Mandatory fields are marked with *. 


  1. 3. Click Save. 

You must click Save before answering questions in the Questions tab. 

  1. 4. If you would like to create more than one contact working for the same company, click Save and Copy Contact Details 

The company data will automatically be populated, and you can enter in all other details of the new contact. 

  1. 5. If you have conflict check settings turned on, you will be prompted to perform a conflict check. Click Yes. 


  1. 6. If no conflict arises, the contact will automatically be saved.  

  1. 7. If a potential conflict arises, a new window will appear showing you similar contacts or files. If you are satisfied that no conflict exists, click Save anyway. 


Quick Bills

With the quick create button, you can instantly create new bills with just a few clicks. So, if you are face-to-face with a client and need to issue them a bill fast, this can be done using the quick create button.  

  1. 1. Select Quick Bill. 

  1. 2. A pop-up window will appear for you to fill in your bill information. Mandatory fields are marked with *. 



  1. 3. Click Save. 

You can edit the bill and add more information afterward by accessing it through the Bills tab in the left pane. 

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