Client Connect – Giving Access to Customers
You can choose any of the matter contacts to give them access to the matter within the customer portal. Customers will be sent an email with a link to the portal where they can view the details of the matter you have given them access to, as well as any documents you choose to share with them.
1. To give customers access to Client Connect and share documents, go to the Client Connect section of the relevant matter.
2. In the Client Connect section, click the Access tab to view the list of contacts/client that you can give access to the portal.
Only contacts that are linked to the matter and have an email address saved in their contact details will be visible here. 3. Select the contact/client you would like to give access to and tick the Access Portal option.
You can also choose if you want them to be able to download the documents that you have shared with them by ticking the Can Download option
1. Select the contact you want to grant permission.
2. Select the permission you want to grant the contact.
3. Saves the changes made.
4. Total Documents Shared - This shows the total number of documents that have been shared with the contact/client. It also includes the documents that were uploaded by the contact/client.
You will not be able to give access to contacts where there are multiple contacts with the same email address. You will be given a pop-up with the list of other contacts using this email address so you can update accordingly. Once you have given contacts access to the portal, you can choose matter documents to share with them in the Sharing tab. Click here
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