File Category - Admin

File Category - Admin

All files created on Thread must have a category assigned to them. File categories dictate which file stages, key dates, contact types, and custom fields, can be used with the file. You can also add default templates to a file category, which will automatically generate when a new file is created in this category.

Further, when creating a file category, you can indicate which roles have access to this category. So, for example with Family Law files, you may restrict access to fee earners to protect sensitive information. 

In order to customise file categories, you should set up file stages, key dates, contact types, and custom fields. Thread comes pre-loaded with standard options for each of these features, however, if you would like to add firm-specific options or custom fields, then you will need to configure these first. 

Creating File Categories 

File categories can be configured by global administrators in Admin Settings.  

Note: Before creating a file category, ensure that you have configured the relevant contact typeskey datesfile stagescustom fieldsdefault templatesand default rates. 

  1. 1. Click Admin Settings, located under User Hub. 

  1. 2. Click the Files tab. 


  1. 3. In the left pane, select Category. 


  1. 4. To add a new category, click Add. 

  1. 5. A pop-up will appear. Enter the category name and select the fields that will be applied to the category. Files created with this category will be able to use the selected options (i.e. If you add the Custom Field of Childrens Names to the Family law category, files created in the family law category can apply that custom field to their file details.). 


  1. 6. Click Save. 

You can now apply this file category and the selected fields to files created in this category. 

Adding and Removing Elements from File Categories 

Once you have created a file category, you can easily remove or add elements (such as key dates, file stages, contact types, custom fields, default templates, and rates), at any stage. So, if you have created a new custom field or template and want to add it to a category, simply edit the category in Admin Settings to add it. 
      1. Click Admin Settings, located under User Hub. 
      2. Click the Files tab. 


      3. In the left pane, select Category. 


      4. Select the category you want to add or remove elements from and click Edit in the top pane. 


      5. In the pop-up that appears, you can rename the category, add or remove contact types, key dates, file stages, custom fields, default templates, and rates to the file. 
      6. Click Save. 

Copying Categories 

Need to create a new category with identical fields to another category? Simply copy an existing category, rename it, and add or remove fields as you please. 

      1. Click Admin Settings, located under User Hub. 
      2. Click the Files tab. 


      3. In the left pane, select Category. 

      4. Select the category you want to make a copy of and click Clone in the top grey pane. 


      5. A pop-up window will appear with the copied category. From here, you can rename it, add, and remove elements as you please. 
      6. Click Save when finished. 

Deleting Categories 

File categories can be removed from Thread at any stage, provided there are no existing files assigned to that category. 

Note: All files must be removed from the category and assigned a new one before deleting a category, even closed files. So, if you want to remove a category but keep existing closed files, create a new category, e.g. litigation (OLD), and assign the files to this category. 

      1. Click Admin Settings, located under User Hub. 
      2. Click the Files tab. 
      3. In the left pane, select Category. 


      4. Select the category you want to delete and click Delete in the top grey pane. 
      5. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your decision. Click OK. 

Category Permissions 

Choose which users have access to a file category by assigning Accessible Roles. You can also edit a category to grant access for a particular role on Thread (I.e., Accountant), or to remove access.  

Note: All file category permissions are granted on a role basis, and individual permissions cannot be granted. 

      1. In Admin Settings, click the Files tab. 


  1. 2. In the left pane, select Category. 


  1. 3. To grant permissions to an existing file category, select the category and click Edit on the top grey pane. 

  1. 4. A pop-up window will appear. Scroll down to Accessible Roles and select roles that you want to grant access to from the drop-down box. 


  1. 5. Click Save. 

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